CASA is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Your donation gives a child who’s been abused or neglected a powerful voice in court, at school, and in our community. Your gift helps CASA recruit, train, and support volunteers and provides professional staff and the resources they need to advocate for children.
Donate in honor or in memory of someone special
Celebrate the birthday or anniversary or honor the memory of a friend or loved one with your gift. When you provide an acknowledgment address, we will send an email or card with your personal message or remembrance. We won’t share the amount of your gift.
Become a sustaining donor
You can be a constant support for children in need by setting up a monthly, quarterly or annual donation. Give online or call 417.864.6202 to set up your recurring gift.
Want to give offline?
Call 417.864.6202 or mail your check to:
CASA of Southwest Missouri
P O Box 4853
Springfield, MO 65808
You will receive a tax-deductible receipt along with your thank you letter for your donation. If you have questions, please contact Julie Good at 417.864.6202 or via email.

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